The Best Place for Shopping is Shopping Mall. We will tell you that architecture is only the beginning. Ultimately, the success of a shopping mall is grounded in a profound level of insight into the shopper’s experience and into removing every barrier between the customer and the merchandise — a philosophy he named “threshold resistance.” First applying this thinking to a many store in mall, went on to develop some of the most successful malls in the Vadodara and to influence succeeding generations of architects, developers, retailers and planners.
Late nineteenth century. The rise of the mail order catalog brought a world of goods to a consumer’s doorstep. Years later, shopping and buying would undergo another metamorphosis. It became known simply as “the mall.” The mall as we know it – refined and choreographed – came about through a career’s worth of unrelenting analysis.
A department store is an efficient way of selling goods. Historically, if you put three stores together, people would shop at one store and look at what the other stores have. It was theory if you put 50 stores together, which started out doing, it would be even that much better. And what was really doing – was trying to be a department store under one roof and offer all the goods department stores offer.
One of the more surprising findings of this study is that teenagers do not spend much money in the mall despite the large amount of time spent there. Though marketing researchers have argued that the length of time spent at a mall tends to increase the chances of one’s buying merchandise, this does not seem to be the case for adolescents. For the teenage population, hanging around the mall in less a way to spend money than it is a way of passing time.
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